Email for Communities
Inform, Empower, Engage

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GroupVine Features

Feature Table Summary Click for summary Click for full details

3-month Trial
Max. subscribing members 5 500 – 1M
Send emails online or from your inbox, Standard Email Widgets (RSVP, Count, Text, and Yes-No), Custom theme and logo
Create sub-groups, assign Admin and Editor roles, moderate emails, add attachments, private email feeds, site customizations reusable email templates, ...
Max. Email Widgets per email 5 5
Max. Lists per group 20 20
Max. Attributes 12 12

Published subscription pricing varies from 500 up to to 25,000 member suscribers. For larger memberships, contact us at

General Full-featured
Max. subscribing members 5 500 – 1M
Max. monthly email deliveries 20× 20×
Email feed gallery & threaded listing views
Can search email feed
Email online or from your own inbox
Embed signup form in your website
Can archive emails
Custom color theme and logo
Email photos and graphics
Text notifications of new emails
Max. image size 3MB 3MB
Email attachments
Email Widgets
Max. Email Widgets per email 5 5
RSVP, Text, Yes-No, and Count Email Widgets
Create custom choice Email Widgets
Lists and Sub-groups
Create Lists
Max. Lists per group 20 20
Create Sub-groups
Personalize emails
Custom member attributes
Max. Attributes 12 12
Email & member management
Assign Admin & Editor roles
Private email feeds
Can have online membership directory
Can permit others to send
Can moderate emails
Can require new members apply
Advanced features
Site text and image customizations
Reusable email templates
Specify individual member recipients

Published subscription pricing varies from 500 up to to 25,000 member suscribers. For larger memberships, contact us at

The maximum number of monthly email deliveries is based on a multiple of the maximum number of subscribing members. For example, an account with a maximum number of 2,000 members is permitted up to 40,000 email deliveries to individual members per month.

You can also review subcription pricing here.